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» How to make regular rocks (sand roses) with a 2iso perforated rock plate.

How to make regular rocks (sand roses) with a 2iso perforated rock plate.

Use of the perforated rock matrix (video):



Use of the perforated rock matrix (step by step):


2iso mise à l'étuve de la plaque à rocher



1. If necessary, place a plastic sheet on the baking tray(s).


2iso mise en place du film



2. Prepare the rocher at a temperature close to 31°C for the chocolate as for the almonds, feuilletines, corn flakes... to avoid cooling the chocolate too much.


2iso préparation de l'appaeil à rocher



3. Fill the first side of the baking tray. The excess mixture is easily collected on the flat part of the perforated baking sheet.


2iso plaque à rocher situation 1



4. Remove the rock plate.


2iso plaque à rocher situation 2



5. Fill the other side.


2iso remplir l'autre coté de la plaque pâtisserie



6. the plate is ready.


2iso la plaque pâtissière est prête.



7. Finally, put in the fridge.


2iso mettre au foid



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